Living a 5D Life
Women's Retreat
Mo’orea Island, Tahiti
June 7th - 16th, 2024
Will you answer the call of your soul's voice?
Join this full immersion experience of exponential growth and expansion.
Be immersed in a tropical paradise full of Gaia’s memories and energetic codes for alchemy.
Come take a deep dive into the body of Gaia’s memory banks to open your greatest potential for present-moment awareness, authenticity, and a remembrance of who you are, who you have been, and why you were here.
Together, through spiritual practices, activations, group activities, the art of feng shui, sound healing, light language, and much more, we will remember our own individual source spark or individuation and the law of one.
As we return to these physical locations, we now have direct access to the crystalline core of Gaia’s true memory.
The possibilities are endless for soul retrieval and alchemy.
Will you answer the call of your soul's voice to allow for a greater wholeness to occur and to bring back those soul fragments waiting to be freed from the story they have been playing out so that you may become whole once again and remember your true alchemy and souls purpose for this incarnation?
This retreat will be life-altering, shifting massive timelines and information, individually and collectively.
We will
- Expand Conscious Awareness
- Confront Shadow Self fully and lovingly
- Heal the wounded child in real-time awareness
- Allow and Encourage Exponential expansion of your I AM present moment, all within a lovingly supportive environment that is designed to challenge you.
Through this retreat, you will have the opportunity in real time to safely and lovingly expand your consciousness, your truth, and your current human experience.
You will be challenged, encouraged, supported, and guided along the way of letting go, breathing freely, and becoming truly present to this life’s expression of you.
During our time together, we will remember our past, allow for deep cellular alchemy to occur, heal wounded areas of our lives, and receive forgiveness from Gaia.
You will have the opportunity to share your deepest truths, fears, the places you just didn’t know and learn the true sacredness of your physical body and what the divine womb of creation really is.
- We will reclaim the sacredness of the divine feminine love, law, and order principles as living from today.
- We will have an inner knowing of what authentic creation really is and be able to take this with you and share with others.
In order to maintain the shifts, the integrity of the container needs to be established and maintained.
If you need to exit the container during our time together, do so on your own at your own pace, knowing the frequency of the container will still be maintained at all times.
Exiting can mean a time away, a day, or somewhere in between, allowing yourself to make this assessment on your own. Self-care is very important.
The level of energy within the container may seem overwhelming at times.
Be open, speak, share, and remember self-care. The more you are honest from the heart, the greater the experience and the more freedom you will experience.
Allow for the movement to occur; this may include emotions, sensations, and reactions to one another; the more you can stay the witnessing observer of yourself and in your heart space, the greater the level of transformation that is able to occur.
Remember, we are one, all is a reflection of yourself, we are all in this together, none greater or less than another, and all coming from a desire for love, truth, and a remembrance of the law of one. True unity consciousness. Love each other. Remember, this is the divine truth.
I personally am super excited for the adventures that are coming forward and the opportunity to expand our light, our consciousness, and our hearts with and as one together, in unity, love, and support of one another.
See you soon.
Much love,
Spaces are limited for this
Women's Nine-Day Immersion in Tahiti
Private or double rooms are available.
Double occupancy: $3999
Single occupancy: $5754
Here's how to reserve your spot for this Nine-Day Immersion:
- Click here to reserve your space with a non-refundable deposit of $1000.00.
Please note single or double occupancy. - By April 20th, 2024, pay half of the total cost.
- Pay the remaining amount by May 7th, 2024.
All fees are to be paid in full one month prior to the May 7th.
What's included?
- Full participation in the immersion process and accommodations at Cook's Bay Hotel and Suites Moorea
- Daily Breakfast
- Daily Dinner
- Transportation around the island
Not included
- Air Travel to Mo'orea
- Excursions outside of the retreat schedule
Travel Insurance
It is always a good idea to purchase travel insurance for your trip in case you need to cancel your trip or tour for any reason. We recommend World Nomads for all your travel insurance needs.
We love World Nomads because they are dedicated to promoting responsible travel and have a give-back program to support charities around the world.
About the Island of Mo’orea
and why it was chosen.
Mo’orea literally means golden dragon.
It is a part of Ancient Lemuria. It carries the energy of the divine feminine and Mother Earth or (Mana frequency).
Mo’orea is the sister island to Tahiti and is a heart-shaped island that is said to be the frequency and energy of the golden dragon. It is considered to be the most beautiful island in the world.
This is the year of the dragon, dragon energy and original dragon lay lines are returning to Gaia. These carry original source creator codes and allow for our awakening of the crystalline DNA to occur at exponential rates as we visit specific locations on Gaia.
Mo’orea is considered the naval point of Gaia, this is the place where we as energy in the physical body, enter into our physical life and experience. This is a very significant point for the remembrance of our participation with Gaia’s history.
This point also aligns with the king's chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt, which is the place where the frequency and energy of Gaia opens directly to the center of this universal complex and gives direct access to source consciousness.
As the veils are now lifting and continue to lift, significant awareness of our individual participation in Gaia’s history has the opportunity to be released, restored, and brought back into balance and wholeness.
We will visit the ancient temples of Mo’orea and open up to the Akash of Gaia to allow for this to occur.
Here are some of the places we will visit and connect with:
Sacred Open-Air Temples
Nauru, Nuupere, and Umarea sacred stones at Marae Afareaitu waterfall- 80m high
Temae and Haapiti - Hauru Point
Meet your Hosts
Cathleena Hailley
Having incarnated as an Arcturian, Andromedan, and as a member of the Council of 9 Galactic Collective, Cathleena brings the knowledge of human patterns of existence, along with her extensive knowledge and work with interplanetary and galactic portals. Through this, she accesses human patterning with galactic information, technologies, and energies to fully access their original soul’s blueprint.
Cathleena has a business degree and has worked with many professionals and medical practitioners in her massage therapy practice for over 28 years, she has experienced layers of human patterning, personalities, and life expressions. Her background in massage, using techniques as Rolfing and Myofascial has allowed her to begin to access more subtle energies connected to the emotional patterning that creates an individual’s life. Through her understanding of sacred geometry, she has channeled a vibrational device from the Arcturian collective. Cathleena now uses all of her business knowledge and experience with sacred geometry to align with her resetting the crystalline DNA.
Maria Volkova, MA, MBA, MFin
Maria has spent her adult life learning, practicing, and teaching numerous psychospiritual disciplines from around the world, including Feng-Shui, yoga, meditation, forms of positive psychology, shamanism, and others. Her Masters's Degrees are in business, finance, and psychology-related fields, and her present focus as a lifelong student and teacher of Feng Shui is on achieving abundance, success, and deep satisfaction in the professional, personal, artistic, and psychospiritual dimensions of life.
June 7th – June 16th
June 7th – Friday, Day 1
Arrival and Lodging
1:00 pm - Meet and greet - casual introductions (meeting place will be given upon arrival)
2:00 pm - Exponential expansion of your I AM present moment Activation – Setting the stage to receive - Cathleena
3:30 pm - Meeting with your Higher Self – Maria
6:00 pm - Opening Ceremony – Cathleena
- We will welcome the energy of Mo'orea, the Dragon frequencies, and all the Galactics to connect with us for whatever is in the highest and best for our Souls mission.
7:30 pm - Dinner
9:00 pm - Fire ceremony: opening portals for Divine Blessing of Abundance through Divine Mother – Maria
June 8th – Saturday, Day 2
9:00 am - Meeting for breakfast
10:00 am - Rainbow Dragon Breath meditation
10:30 am - Activation to begin to Confront your Shadow Self fully and lovingly – Cathleena
- We will be opening our energy fields to receive codes that have been dormant to allow for a greater present-moment expansion as we explore the Island frequencies and the opening of your own personal journey.
12:00 pm - Break for snacks or lunch if you choose - not included
2:30 pm - Visit beach – Ancient Method of Karma Cleanse – Initiation – Maria
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Tap into your Subconscious through Creating Art, Block Clearing – Session 1 – Introduction to Neirographica – Maria
June 9th – Sunday, Day 3
9:00 am - Meeting for breakfast
10:00 am - Rainbow Dragon Breath Meditation
10:30 am - Connecting with Spirits of the Land (Golden Dragons) – Cathleena- Activation.
- We will begin to open our hearts to the Sacred Emerald heart and awaken the Emerald dragon within, the place for original source codes of creation. The place where the unity of masculine and feminine energies merge.
1:00 pm - Island tour and Connecting to Gaia Practice (Unity Breath) – Maria
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Intro to Ancient Feng Shui Practices – Maria
June 10th – Monday, Day 4
9:00 am - Meeting for breakfast
10:00 am - Rainbow Dragon Breath Meditation
10:30 am - Welcoming the Dragon energies to aid in opening your Akash of Gaia - Activation – Cathleena
- We will take a deep dive into the Akashic records of Mo’orea Island and commune with the dragon frequencies to create a clear pathway to the alchemy of your current life’s purpose for this
1:00 pm - Visit of Ancient temples of Mo’orea – Dragon Invocation (Cathleena and Maria)
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Tap into your Subconscious through Creating Art, Creating your Own Reality – Session 2 (Neirographica) – Maria
June 11th – Tuesday, Day 5
9:00 am - Meeting for breakfast
10:00 am - Rainbow Dragon breath Meditation
10:30 am - Heiros/Gamos Activation – Cathleena
- Here, we will begin to awaken the dragon energy of the Island within you as we explore your divine blueprint of who you are ( the template of your existence) Masculine and Your truest desires of your heart ( emotional self) Feminine together in harmony with all of life.
1:00 pm - Umarea sacred stones at Marae Afareaitu waterfall – Reconnecting Energies of Elements – Cathleena and Maria
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Invocation of your own Golden Dragon – Session 3 (Neirographica) – Maria
June 12th – Wednesday, Day 6
9:00 am -Meeting for breakfast
10:00 am - Rainbow Dragon Breath Meditation
10:30 am - Connecting with Dragons of the Island – Island Tour – Hiking – Cathleena and Maria
3:00 pm - Getting Beyond Your Mind Practice - Maria
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Heart Opening Meditation –Maria
June 13th – Thursday, Day 7
9:00 am - Meeting for breakfast
10:00 am - Rainbow Dragon Breath Meditation
12:00 pm - Connecting with Dragons of the Island – Island Tour – Cathleena and Maria - Hiking
6:00 pm - Dinner
June 14th – Friday, Day 8
9:00 am - Meeting for breakfast
10:00 am - Rainbow Dragon Breath Meditation
10:30 am - Walk on the beach for integration
12:00 pm - DNA Upgrade Activation – Cathleena
- We will reconnect all that you once were as original a spark of source consciousness to all that you are now, expanding your current energy field and elevating your frequency to match that of the clearing and awakening that has taken place.
2:00 pm - DNA reconnection meditation and drawing - Maria
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Star Gazing
June 15th – Saturday, Day 9
9:00 am - Meeting for breakfast
10:00 am - Rainbow Dragon Breath Meditation
12:00 pm - Integration and further expansion of your Sacred Emerald heart space Activation – Cathleena
- We will be grounding all that has taken place into your physical body and current life to set the stage for miracles to be manifested and created.
2:00 pm - Explore the Island
4:00 pm - Tapping into your future - Maria
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Closing Ceremony - Cathleena and Maria
June 16th – Sunday
Leaving the Island