Spiritual Practices

These are some spiritual practices that I use daily. They are merely suggestions, and they are not specific to anyone.

Please use them if you feel a resonance with them. Remember you are Source consciousness. These are simply for you to own your own energetic space with sovereignty.  Sovereignty means self-governed within.  This means I am in charge of my own feelings. No one nor anything can make me feel anyway, I am the master of my own universe. 

I repeat all my declarations daily.

My declaration is to pure prime creator unity consciousness law of one.

  • My declaration is to embody the highest frequency of this pure source consciousness as the law of one and to align with the greatest potential timeline, which I am on, for the highest service to humanity as the greatest embodiment of pure source consciousness law of one with unwavering faith, trust and surrender to the infinite possibilities of the divine zero point without judgment.
  • My Declaration is to always come from the highest source light and the highest source love in all that I am, say, do and create.


I always do this 12 D Shield Meditation before I go to sleep.


Anytime I watch any Netflix or movies, videos, or any electronics and before I go to sleep, I always release any and all attachments, seen and unseen, known and unknown, any MK ultra mind control, holographic inserts, consciousness traps, timeline reversal loops, and any 5G Sonic frequencies. 

I say this regularly, especially if I am feeling any kind of uncomfortable energy around me.

I release any and all lower dimensional energy or entities that are not of my highest and best and of my life path.

Close all portals, gateways, pathways, meridians, stargates, and wormholes of any siphoning of my energy past, present, and future and throughout all time and space continuum.

Having worked with Cathleena in a private session as well as taking an on-line class, I can honestly say she transmits a remarkable healing energy. I am very selective in who I listen to and the frequency she brings forth is of the highest caliber. Because she works from the zero-point energy, you can listen to the recordings again and again and they are ever new. Heartily recommend working with her. She reminds one to stay in the present moment and to be open to the unknown. Itโ€™s quite freeing.


The best thing about your work is that we hit so many levels and donโ€™t need to know what it was really about, but you feel that change and the release. Yes, it may be uncomfortable or painful for a short length of time, but you certainly feel the difference in your whole energy field. Just breathe, go through it, and everything will pass.

-Sandra Garrington
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